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How things vary from person to person and culture to culture
maanantai 29. heinäkuuta 2024
tiistai 9. heinäkuuta 2024
Some good atmosphere can be lwarned, some depends on the culture or place
" 9. heinäkuuta 2024 Suomenkielisenä suomalaisena Suomessa, kun oppii jotain okkultistisesta puolesta, tuntuu siltä kuin suomalaiset olisivat jatkuvasti hyökkäyksen kohteen, kuin joku sylkisi päin kun täällä on niin kylmä tai viileä, vaikka itse sellaiseen ilmastoon juuri välttättä voimalla tulivat, tai kuin joku pitäisi oikeuteneen vaihtaa ilmaston kylmyys sosiaalisiin ja okultistisiin hyökkäyksiin, koska itse pitää niistä enemmän. Ja niin ihmisiltä usein vaafitaan ruotsalaista kulttuuria joka on imagokeskeinen eikä huolehdi järkeä, elämänviisautta, rehellusyyttä, vastuuntuntoa, oikeudrnmukaisuutta ja reliuutta, kpkonaiskuvallusuutta, teevettä järkeä, yms, ja mm lulnnolta tunnutaan vaadittavan afrikkalaisuutta tms nii ikään mieletöntä.
sunnuntai 2. kesäkuuta 2024
lauantai 9. helmikuuta 2019
How position and rights vary from person to person and why so
perjantai 8. helmikuuta 2019
What is good to invest in and what it produces for each type of individual
If one for example is very hungry or has a big lack of certain type of much needed nutritients, one cannot well concentrate on work or enjoy music tat would demand a better wider understanding of life, even though one can enjoy music that suits just such situation, has wisdom about meeting such needs in an easy enough way. This way often values need for thier full positive effect that basic needs would be met, but on the other hand folliwing wise civilized values can usually make much easier the meeting of basic, secondary etc needs.
Often people who do not have much observational skills in something ask for hints from others, like who are skilled in it and what they chose, but typically such is an error because the skilled often are much more skilled so that one cannot learn the basic things from so finery oriented approach, but would dearly need basci teaching material, basic lessons, people of not sohigh basic skills but with good basic skills in the subject to serve as examples.
Likewise one cannot usually learn from singers or other very skilled individuals by copying their choices in life, because those choices depend on their situation of life and often aim at a larger sphere of life that suits their skill level and how energetic they are, while their songs may teach some area of life that is good to learn. So learning and benefiting usually demands lots of distance but following the same culture's civilized ways quite fully or fully.
If one starts at the basic things and learns them well one can across time develop very high i skills, but it usually demands following civilized ways diligently, aiming for the good of the world and learning so to make many benefical choices at the same time and always. But civilized distance to the more skilled means that even when you learn more you don't copy their personal choices and goals but make your own choices, pick civilized things that interest just you, that are nice areas of life, not fitted to somebody else's personal qualities instead of your own.